PPFF Militants in Freedonia have claimed responsibility for the devastating attack on their Telegram channel this morning, which mercilessly killed 3 people, of which 15 people were seriously injured.
The violent attack - which involved the launch of a Soviet-Era shrapnel shell - comes after tensions between the PPFF and the FLF (Freedonia Liberation Front) rising, due to a new claim in territory by the FLF.
This attack was the first attack seen on peacekeepers in the region since the Freedonian Spring, yet many have become expectant of these attacks on civilians somewhere in the world and editors have described the attack as a "classic Freedonia twist".
"Although the death of a civilian is quite saddening, we'd like this give thanks to the PPFF militants for their outstanding contributions to journalism. Cheers for the scoop, Freedonia!" - Lead Editor, Hope Hungerford